I am Christ in this moment...

the creator of all I experience...

power given me
by the Beloved Source
of all Life...

in this moment
I breathe into creation
and allow awareness to speak to me...

this chair I sit on...
perfect in every way...
filling the need
for a place to seat this body

these eyes take in
that which surrounds me
on the physical plane...
filling the need
 to experience the power
of expansion as expressed
in the physical realm

energy conforms to my thought
and the Universe responds to my desire...

worlds are created
as I take in this moment
and bless it all
knowing that physical forms
come to me so I may have
the experience of them...

that I may come to know
something of my Self
living into the illusion
of time and space
thru that which I create...

seeing my reflection
in the beauty that surrounds me

there is nothing but Love here...
rising up in form...
taking on a shape...
and then dissolving into Love...
from which it came.

I am Christ

I bless all of creation
knowing only Love
in the Eternal Now.
