Sunday, April 12, 2009

Becoming the Observer

Preliminarily, before you can walk the world as Christ you must learn to be an observer rather than a figure in your dream of separation from Christ. So the first step you are asked to take is to see yourself as the observer. Here is an exercise to help you do that:

Don’t judge, blame or criticize anything during this exercise, but if you do just allow it and observe yourself doing it.

1. Observe your thoughts -- without judgment. Watch them pass through your mind.

Make this information concrete for yourself. Write down those thoughts!

2. Reflect on what you have observed -- without judgment. What are the thoughts that came up in reflection? If you caught yourself judging, blaming or criticizing, add this information to your notes from #1.

3. Connect your observations and reflections with any emotional responses you experience. Be the impartial Observer. Do not judge. Add this information to your notes from #1 & 2.

4. Add physical body awareness to all of the above. Again, add this to your notes.

5. Create an honest picture of yourself with all of this data.

6. Remember this picture is only a snapshot in time. Don’t judge, condemn or criticize yourself! With practice, you can change any aspect of this picture that you choose.

7. Accept as possibility that what you see in yourself is projected outward in the physical world around you, so you can experience yourself literally. People, places, things, times and events are all tools for you to meet yourself in various circumstances and conditions.

Be aware: Criticism of yourself will show up as others criticizing you! Judgment upon yourself will show up as others judging you. In both cases, the common reaction to outside criticism and judgment would be to see yourself as the innocent recipient of the ill-will of others. Doing this exercise appears to reverse that thinking, and that’s the point. We need to reverse our thinking in order to truly see what’s going on! Otherwise, we keep lying to ourselves about victims and perpetrators.